Results for 'Lina María Camacho'

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  1.  51
    González de Requena Farré, Juan Antonio. "La injusticia epistémica la justicia del testimonio." Discusiones Filosóficas 16.26 : 49-67. [REVIEW]Lina María Camacho-Pinzón - 2017 - Ideas Y Valores 66 (164):393-398.
    RESUMEN El artículo responde algunas críticas planteadas por Ignacio Ávila a mi interpretación de la epistemología davidsoniana. Presento argumentos en contra de: a) que sea necesario distinguir entre representaciones epistemológicamente “peligrosas”e “inofensivas”; b) que el empirismo mínimo sea un tipo de realismo directo; c) que mi uso de la expresión “evidencia distal” y el interés por la teoría de la correspondencia sean asuntos ajenos a Davidson. Finalmente, sostengo que la triangulación es un elemento fundamental de la epistemología davidsoniana, pues permite (...)
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  2. Cut-off points for the rational believer.Lina Maria Lissia - 2022 - Synthese 200 (2):1-19.
    I show that the Lottery Paradox is just a version of the Sorites, and argue that this should modify our way of looking at the Paradox itself. In particular, I focus on what I call “the Cut-off Point Problem” and contend that this problem, well known by Sorites scholars, ought to play a key role in the debate on Kyburg’s puzzle. Very briefly, I show that, in the Lottery Paradox, the premises “ticket n°1 will lose”, “ticket n°2 will lose”… “ticket (...)
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  3. The Epistemic and the Deontic Preface Paradox.Lina Maria Lissia & Jan Sprenger - forthcoming - Philosophical Quarterly.
    This paper generalizes the preface paradox beyond the conjunctive aggregation of beliefs and constructs an analogous paradox for deontic reasoning. The analysis of the deontic case suggests a systematic restriction of intuitive rules for reasoning with obligations. This proposal can be transferred to the epistemic case: it avoids the preface and the lottery paradox and saves one of the two directions of the Lockean Thesis (i.e., high credence is sufficient, but not necessary for rational belief). The resulting account compares favorably (...)
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    Correction to: Cut-off points for the rational believer.Lina Maria Lissia - 2022 - Synthese 200 (6):1-1.
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  5. On some analogies between the counterexamples to modus ponens (and modus tollens).Lina Maria Lissia - 2020 - The Reasoner 14 (6):35-37.
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    Relación entre la intuición y la invención en matemáticas: una mirada desde Henri Bergson y Henri Poincaré.Lina María Peña Páez - 2023 - Areté. Revista de Filosofía 35 (2):374-396.
    La intuición y su relación con la invención matemática es destacada por los autores franceses Henri Bergson y Henri Poincaré. Los dos asumen la intuición como un proceso intelectual, que requiere de la experiencia tanto física como matemática del individuo y cuyos resultados se observarán en la superficie de la conciencia, es decir, en el lenguaje matemático. Ambos asumen que la idea de intuición es necesaria para la invención matemática. En este artículo se muestran los puntos coincidentes entre Bergson y (...)
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  7. Descripción de la función familiar de veinte mujeres víctimas de violencia intrafamiliar psicológica, de la comuna cuatro Del municipio de armenia en el 2010.Lina María Valencia Cerquera & José Alonso Andrade Salazar - forthcoming - Revista Aletheia Corporación Universitaria Empresarial Alexander von Humboldt Vol. 1, Año 2011.
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    Limited Consequences of a Transition From Activity-Based Financing to Budgeting: Four Reasons Why According to Swedish Hospital Managers.Lina Maria Ellegård & Anna Häger Glenngård - 2019 - Inquiry: The Journal of Health Care Organization, Provision, and Financing 56:004695801983836.
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    El papel de la intuición en la teoría del conocimiento matemático: la perspectiva de Philip Kitcher.Lina María Peña Páez - 2022 - Principia: An International Journal of Epistemology 26 (3):469-488.
    Uno de los temas de estudio de la filosofía de las matemáticas tiene que ver con cómo accedemos al conocimiento de los objetos de las matemáticas, al ser objetos abstractos. En este artículo mostraremos que esta forma de "acceso" es la intuición, entendida como un proceso dinámico que requiere de la experiencia de los matemáticos, cuyos efectos se verán en el mundo concreto. Partiendo del dilema expuesto por Benacerraf, revisaremos cómo la intuición es una posible solución y ha tenido un (...)
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  10. Pequeños Escritores.Lina Maria Álvarez Uribe - 2013 - Revista Aletheia 5 (2/1).
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    Knowledge and its challenges: Kevin McCain: Epistemology: 50 puzzles, paradoxes, and thought experiments. New York: Routledge, 2021, 262 pp, £18.39 PB. [REVIEW]Lina Maria Lissia - 2022 - Metascience 31 (1):121-123.
    Review of Epistemology: 50 Puzzles, Paradoxes, and Thought Experiments by Kevin McCain (Routledge, 2021).
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    Consideraciones sobre la noción de intuición matemática.Lina María Peña-Páez - 2020 - Ágora Papeles de Filosofía 39 (2):127-141.
    La historia de la matemática muestra como la intuición matemática ha estado presente en la invención y desarrollo de conceptos, teorías y procedimientos matemáticos. Así mismo, ha permeado el debate filosófico, los fundamentos de la matemática y los discursos educativos; otorgándole vigencia al estudio de este tema. En el presente artículo, se exponen los argumentos bajo los cuales es posible sustentar que la intuición es un proceso, que toma ideas que se presentan, inicialmente de manera “desordenada”, y que gracias al (...)
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    Visualization as an Intuitive Process in Mathematical Practice.Lina María Peña-Páez - 2024 - Conatus 9 (2):195-221.
    In the field of the philosophy of mathematics, in recent years, there has been a resurgence of two processes: intuition and visualization. History has shown us that great mathematicians in their inventions have used these processes to arrive at their most brilliant proofs, theories and concepts. In this article, we want to defend that both intuition and visualization can be understood as processes that contribute to the development of mathematical knowledge as evidenced in the history of mathematics. Like intuition, visualization (...)
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  14. Institucionalidad educativa: Relatos entre el pasado Y el futuro educación de jóvenes Y adultos en colombia.Alfonso Diaz, Lina Maria Herrera & Francy Lined Vásquez Brochero - 2011 - Revista Aletheia 3 (1).
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    Imagen país de Colombia desde la perspectiva extranjera.Lina María Echeverri Cañas, Enrique Ter Horst & José Hernán Parra - 2015 - Arbor 191 (773):a244.
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    Diagnóstico de un plasma por sonda de Langmuir.Lina María Franco Arias, Jaime Andrés Pérez Taborda & Henry Riascos Landázuri - forthcoming - Scientia.
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  17. Noviembre, vestido de Flores. Diciembre desnuda.Lina María Parra Ochoa - 2009 - Escritos 17 (38):266-268.
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    Health, Well‐Being, Gender, and Dignity in Nursing Care for Older Adults.Wendy Johana Gómez Domínguez, Helena Guerrero de Caballero & Lina María García Llanos - 2025 - Nursing Philosophy 26 (1):e70015.
    This article reflects on the concepts of health, well‐being, gender, and dignity when providing nursing care to older adults, focusing on their wisdom and the phenomena that can affect their health or improve their quality of life. These concepts are analyzed based on the current health conditions of older adults and their needs, on the perspectives of authors in this field of research, and on Patricia Benner's philosophy: the integration of science, clinical wisdom, and ethics in nursing practice. Furthermore, this (...)
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    Estudios decoloniales y poscoloniales. Posturas acerca de la modernidad/colonialidad y el eurocentrismo.Martha Isabel Gómez Vélez, Dora Cecilia Saldarriaga Grisales, María Claudia López Gil & Lina María Zapata Botero - 2017 - Ratio Juris 12 (24):27-60.
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    Crecimiento de películas delgadas de Nitruro de Carbono por deposición con láser pulsado.Henry Riascos Landázuri, Lina María Franco Arias & Jaime Andrés Pérez Taborda - forthcoming - Scientia.
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  21. Ethical implications related to the use of artificial intelligence in the generation of academic research.Paula Andrea Usquiano Yepes, Lina María Valencia Gallo, Diana Marcela Botero Zuluaga & Edier Adolfo Giraldo Jiménez - 2025 - Prometeica - Revista De Filosofía Y Ciencias 32.
    O objetivo geral deste artigo se concentra em abordar, a partir de uma abordagem holística, as implicações éticas relacionadas ao uso da Inteligência Artificial, doravante IA, na geração de conteúdos acadêmicos. Três elementos-chave são abordados neste artigo: um estado da arte sobre as IA de maior demanda no âmbito acadêmico atual; as implicações éticas vinculadas ao plágio, à originalidade e à fraude; e, por fim, a caracterização das ferramentas de monitoramento de conteúdos acadêmicos gerados por IA. A pesquisa se enquadra (...)
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  22. Roberto Bolaño mató a Carmen, y nosotros lo pillamos.Carlos-Germán van der Linde, Lina María Rosales, Demetrios Pashalides, Diego Pulgarín, Johanna Torres & Pedro Remolina - 2008 - Logos (La Salle) 13:99-113.
    El siguiente documento es el resultado de un seminario de investigación sobre novela policíaca latinoamericana reciente, desarrollado en el curso de Novela Latinoamericana, de la Facultad de Filosofía y Letras en la Universidad de La Salle. La fundamentación teórica del seminario tuvo como marco general la Estética de la Recepción fundada en la Escuela de Constanza, Alemania, por Hans Robert Jauss y Wolfgang Iser. Para el caso concreto de la teoría literaria sobre novela policíaca vista en perspectiva sociológica, preferimos apelar (...)
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    Capabilities for epistemic liberation: the case of hermeneutical insurrection of the Network of Community Researchers in Medellin, Colombia.Monique Leivas Vargas, Alejandra Boni Aristizábal & Lina María Zuluaga García - 2022 - Journal of Global Ethics 19 (1):43-62.
    Community leaders in Colombia have historically suffered processes of microaggressions and intimidation that threaten the free exercise of their voice in the processes of production of knowledge and in the participation of the planning of their territories. In this article, we explore the case study of the Network of Community Researchers (NCR), also known in Spanish as Red de Investigadores Comunitarios, promoted by the University of Antioquia, Colombia. The NCR is a commitment to the co-production of knowledge about human security (...)
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  24. Imperio y causalidad en Tomás de Aquino.María Teresa Enríquez Gómez & Jorge Martín Montoya Camacho - 2021 - Scientia et Fides 9 (1):329-355.
    Ante ciertos modelos causales del agente libre inspirados en Tomás de Aquino, resulta interesante atender al modelo causal presentado por Tomás mismo, especialmente en un texto a partir del cual se puede rastrear la exposición de la acción libre como el efecto de los cuatro sentidos causales aristotélicos. Se trata de la cuestión sobre los actos imperados (ST I–II, q. 17); en cuyos primeros cuatro artículos –y en sus textos paralelos– determina que la voluntad es causa agente; la razón práctica, (...)
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    Las ruinas y las sombras de Manderley.María Donapetry Camacho - 2010 - Arbor 186 (741):43-52.
    Las ruinas y las sombras de Manderley aborda posibles relaciones interpretativas recíprocas entre la novela de Daphne du Maurier Rebecca y la película homónima de Alfred Hitchcock. Algunos de los aspectos que se consideran relevantes en este estudio son: el tratamiento de las “ruinas de la memoria” derridianas dentro de la novela y del propio Hitchcock, la diferenciación y el enfrentamiento de la protagonista “externa” con el mundo de los “internos” de Manderley, los valores icónicos y simbólicos del texto literario (...)
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  26. Distinct Patterns of University Students Study Crafting and the Relationships to Exhaustion, Well-Being, and Engagement.Lina Marie Mülder, Sonja Schimek, Antonia Maria Werner, Jennifer L. Reichel, Sebastian Heller, Ana Nanette Tibubos, Markus Schäfer, Pavel Dietz, Stephan Letzel, Manfred E. Beutel, Birgit Stark, Perikles Simon & Thomas Rigotti - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Job crafting has been established as a bottom-up work design instrument for promoting health and well-being in the workplace. In recent years, the concepts of job crafting have been applied to the university student context, proving to be positively related to student well-being. Building on person-centered analyses from the employment context, we assessed approach study crafting strategy combinations and the relationships to students’ exhaustion, study engagement, and general well-being. Data from 2,882 German university students were examined, collected online during the (...)
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    Correspondence between practitioners’ self-assessment and independent motivational interviewing treatment integrity ratings.Maria Beckman, Helena Lindqvist, Lina Öhman, Lars Forsberg, Tobias Lundgren & Ata Ghaderi - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    As evaluation of practitioners’ competence is largely based on self-report, accuracy in practitioners’ self-assessment is essential for ensuring high quality treatment-delivery. The aim of this study was to assess the relationship between independent observers’ ratings and practitioners’ self-reported treatment integrity ratings of Motivational interviewing. Practitioners were randomized to two types of supervision [i.e., regular institutional group supervision, or individual telephone supervision based on the MI Treatment Integrity code]. The mean age was 43.2 years, and 62.7 percent were females. All sessions (...)
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    Antecedents and Moderation Effects of Maladaptive Coping Behaviors Among German University Students.Lina Marie Mülder, Nicole Deci, Antonia Maria Werner, Jennifer L. Reichel, Ana Nanette Tibubos, Sebastian Heller, Markus Schäfer, Daniel Pfirrmann, Dennis Edelmann, Pavel Dietz, Manfred E. Beutel, Stephan Letzel & Thomas Rigotti - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Prolonging working hours and presenteeism have been conceptualized as self-endangering coping behaviors in employees, which are related to health impairment. Drawing upon the self-regulation of behavior model, the goal achievement process, and Warr's vitamin model, we examined the antecedents and moderation effects regarding quantitative demands, autonomy, emotion regulation, and self-motivation competence of university students' self-endangering coping behaviors. Results from a cross-sectional survey of 3,546 German university students indicate that quantitative demands are positively related and autonomy has a u-shape connection with (...)
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    tVNS Increases Liking of Orally Sampled Low-Fat Foods: A Pilot Study.Lina Öztürk, Pia Elisa Büning, Eleni Frangos, Guillaume de Lartigue & Maria G. Veldhuizen - 2020 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 14:600995.
    Recently a role for the vagus nerve in conditioning food preferences was established in rodents. In a prospective controlled clinical trial in humans, invasive vagus nerve stimulation shifted food choice toward lower fat content. Here we explored whether hedonic aspects of an orally sampled food stimulus can be modulated by non-invasive transcutaneous vagus nerve stimulation (tVNS) in humans. In healthy participants (n= 10, five women, 20–32 years old, no obesity) we tested liking and wanting ratings of food samples with varying (...)
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    Gendered Career Choices: Paths Toward Studying a Degree in Physical Activity and Sport Science.Pedrona Serra, Susanna Soler, María José Camacho-Miñano, Ana Rey-Cao & Anna Vilanova - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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  31. Involving Older Adults During COVID-19 Restrictions in Developing an Ecosystem Supporting Active Aging: Overview of Alternative Elicitation Methods and Common Requirements From Five European Countries.Kerli Mooses, Mariana Camacho, Filippo Cavallo, Michael David Burnard, Carina Dantas, Grazia D’Onofrio, Adriano Fernandes, Laura Fiorini, Ana Gama, Ana Perandrés Gómez, Lucia Gonzalez, Diana Guardado, Tahira Iqbal, María Sanchez Melero, Francisco José Melero Muñoz, Francisco Javier Moreno Muro, Femke Nijboer, Sofia Ortet, Erika Rovini, Lara Toccafondi, Sefora Tunc & Kuldar Taveter - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    BackgroundInformation and communication technology solutions have the potential to support active and healthy aging and improve monitoring and treatment outcomes. To make such solutions acceptable, all stakeholders must be involved in the requirements elicitation process. Due to the COVID-19 situation, alternative approaches to commonly used face-to-face methods must often be used. One aim of the current article is to share a unique experience from the Pharaon project where due to the COVID-19 outbreak alternative elicitation methods were used. In addition, an (...)
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    COVID-19, economic threat and identity status: Stability and change in prejudice against Chinese people within the Canadian population.Victoria Maria Ferrante, Éric Lacourse, Anna Dorfman, Mathieu Pelletier-Dumas, Jean-Marc Lina, Dietlind Stolle & Roxane de la Sablonnière - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13:901352.
    ObjectivesPrevious studies found a general increase in prejudice against Chinese people during the first months of the pandemic. The present study aims to consider inter-individual heterogeneity in stability and change regarding prejudice involving Chinese people during the pandemic. The first objective is to identify and describe different trajectories of prejudice over a seven-month period during the pandemic. The second and third objectives are to test the association between trajectory group membership and antecedent variables such as: socio-demographic factors (i.e., age, gender, (...)
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    Familiarity and togetherness.Lisco Sonia Maria Tranas Linas Aurora Simone - 2022 - Metodo. International Studies in Phenomenology and Philosophy 10 (1):7-17.
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    Prioridades OMS para 2020-2030: una mirada bioética II.Gilberto A. Gamboa-Bernal, María José Balseca-Ruiz, Claudia Becerra-Ríos, Nair Yaneth Díaz-Delgado, Laura Montoya-Sánchez, Gloria Amparo Portilla-Camacho, Nathalia Tafur-Gómez, Juliana Vallejo- Echavarría, Carlos Arturo Trujillo-Quesada & Juan José Rey-Serrano - 2024 - Revista Colombiana de Neumología 36 (1):78-86.
    Las prioridades estratégicas que definió la Organización Mundial de la Salud para su labor en la década 2020-2030 son el sustrato de este trabajo. El mismo grupo interdisciplinario de profesionales de la salud que reflexionó en la primera entrega sobre las prioridades relacionadas con lograr poblaciones más sanas, continúa con otras prioridades orientadas a lograr una cobertura sanitaria universal y un mejor manejo de las emergencias sanitarias. En las conclusiones de la segunda entrega se destaca la importancia de desarrollar cada (...)
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  35. Prioridades de la Organización Mundial de la Salud para 2020-2030: una mirada bioética I.Gilberto A. Gamboa-Bernal, María José Balseca-Ruiz, Claudia Becerra-Ríos, Nair Janethe Díaz-Delgado, Laura Montoya-Sánchez, Gloria Amparo Portilla-Camacho, Nathalia Tafur-Gómez, Juliana Vallejo-Echavarría, Carlos Arturo Trujillo-Quezada & Juan José Rey-Serrano - 2023 - Revista Colombiana de Neumología 35:65-76.
    Justo antes de la pandemia por COVID-19, la Organización Mundial de la Salud definió unas prioridades de trabajo para la década 2020-2030. Un grupo interdisciplinario de profesionales de la salud reflexiona sobre estas prioridades, determinando unas categorías de análisis y, desde una perspectiva bioética, analiza cada una de ellas, ve su pertinencia, algunos eventos causales, las implicaciones que pueden tener si no son enfrentadas adecuadamente y hace sugerencias sobre la forma de llevarlas a cabo. En esta primera entrega se analiza (...)
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    The Relationship Between the Burnout Syndrome Dimensions and Body Mass Index as a Moderator Variable on Obese Managers in the Mexican Maquiladora Industry.Oziely Armenta-Hernández, Aidé Maldonado-Macías, María del Rocío Camacho-Alamilla, Miguel Ángel Serrano-Rosa, Yolanda Angélica Baez-Lopez & Cesar Omar Balderrama-Armendariz - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Burnout syndrome and obesity are two growing conditions that affect employees’ health and company productivity. Recently, several studies have pointed to a possible relationship between both phenomena. However, such a relationship has not been clearly defined. This research analyzes the relationship between BS dimensions and body mass index, the latter being treated as a moderator variable among obese senior and middle managers in the Mexican maquiladora industry through a structural equation model. A total of 361 senior and middle managers completed (...)
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    Prediction of the Satisfaction With the Student Life, Based on Teaching Competence and Satisfaction With the School.Raúl Baños, Antonio Baena-Extremera & María del Mar Ortiz-Camacho - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    Cómo enrarecer la palabra ajena. Reflexiones sobre la justicia testimonial en respuesta al comentario de Lina Camacho. “La injusticia epistémica y la justicia del testimonio.” Ideas y Valores 66. 164 (2017): 393-399. [REVIEW]Juan Antonio González de Requena Farré - 2018 - Ideas Y Valores 67 (166):222-230.
    ABSTRACT The focus of this essay is Kant's argument in the Groundwork for the Metaphysics of Morals III that regarding oneself as rational implies regarding oneself as free. After setting out an interpretation of how the argument is meant to go, I argue that Kant fails to show that regarding oneself as free is incompatible with accepting universal causal determinism. However, I suggest that the argument succeeds in showing that regarding oneself as rational is inconsistent with accepting universal causal determinism (...)
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    Andrianou, Dimitra. The Furniture and Furnishings of Ancient Greek Houses and Tombs. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2009. xvi+ 213 pp. 24 black-and-white figs. Cloth, $80. Andrisano, Angela Maria, and Paolo Fabbri, eds. La favola di Orfeo: Letteratura, immagine, performance. Ferrara: UnifePress, 2009. 255 pp. 41 black-and-white. [REVIEW]Victor Bers, Rachel Bowlby, Claude Calame, Viccy Coltman, Katharina Comoth & Joan Breton Connelly - 2010 - American Journal of Philology 131 (2):345-347.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Books ReceivedAndrianou, Dimitra. The Furniture and Furnishings of Ancient Greek Houses and Tombs. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2009. xvi + 213 pp. 24 black-and-white figs. Cloth, $80.Andrisano, Angela Maria, and Paolo Fabbri, eds. La favola di Orfeo: Letteratura, immagine, performance. Ferrara: UnifePress, 2009. 255 pp. 41 black-and-white figs. Paper, €15.Bartsch, Shadi, and David Wray, eds. Seneca and the Self. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2009. ix + 304 pp. 1 (...)
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  40. ¿Cómo afecta sentirse inseguro a la cooperación y la confianza?Ciencia Cognitiva - forthcoming - Ciencia Cognitiva.
    María Alejandra Vélez, Carlos Trujillo, Lina Moros y Clemente Forero Facultad de Administración, Universidad de los Andes, Colombia En lugares … Read More →.
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    La Madre Francisca de Vera (1514-1574), abadesa del convento de la Concepción de Lebrija, y su Tratado de la oración.Antonio González Polvillo - 2021 - Isidorianum 22 (44):459-483.
    Se estudia la vida y espiritualidad de la Abadesa del Convento de la Concepción de Lebrija doña Francisca de Vera discípula del visionario, profético, milenarista Gómez Camacho inspirador de la sevillana y heterodoxa Congregación de la Granada y maestra y condiscípula al mismo tiempo de Rodrigo Álvarez S.I., confesor de Santa Teresa de Jesús, quien transmitió a Sevilla esta espiritualidad milenarista y cuyos miembros jugarán un papel fundamental para la difusión masiva de la pía creencia en la Inmaculada Concepción (...)
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    Evaluación de satisfacción a los estudiantes sobre el uso del software Microsoft Teams.Mateo Sarauz, Jorge Shuguli, David Vaca & Rita Villafuerte - 2020 - Minerva 1 (2):13-18.
    El uso de las Tecnologías de la información y la comunicación ha permitido introducir mejoras en la forma como se desarrollan los procesos de enseñanza y aprendizaje, así como los procesos propios a la gestión y administración de las actividades académicas. Sin embargo, el índice de adopción de estas herramientas es reducido en cobertura y en profundidad. No obstante, para el uso de la herramienta Teams hay que detallar las ventajas y desventajas encontradas y finalizar con conclusiones en base a (...)
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    Review of Antonio Camacho: Societies and Social Decision Functions[REVIEW]Antonio Camacho - 1984 - Ethics 94 (2):335-336.
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    Poem: Dedicated to Andries G. van Aarde by Lina Spies.Lina Spies - 2011 - HTS Theological Studies 67 (1).
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  45. Explanatory Abstractions.Lina Jansson & Juha Saatsi - 2019 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 70 (3):817–844.
    A number of philosophers have recently suggested that some abstract, plausibly non-causal and/or mathematical, explanations explain in a way that is radically dif- ferent from the way causal explanation explain. Namely, while causal explanations explain by providing information about causal dependence, allegedly some abstract explanations explain in a way tied to the independence of the explanandum from the microdetails, or causal laws, for example. We oppose this recent trend to regard abstractions as explanatory in some sui generis way, and argue (...)
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  46. What are degrees of belief.Lina Eriksson & Alan Hájek - 2007 - Studia Logica 86 (2):185-215.
    Probabilism is committed to two theses: 1) Opinion comes in degrees—call them degrees of belief, or credences. 2) The degrees of belief of a rational agent obey the probability calculus. Correspondingly, a natural way to argue for probabilism is: i) to give an account of what degrees of belief are, and then ii) to show that those things should be probabilities, on pain of irrationality. Most of the action in the literature concerns stage ii). Assuming that stage i) has been (...)
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    Ethics of Consumption: The Good Life, Justice, and Global Stewardship.Luis A. Camacho, Colin Campbell, David A. Crocker, Eleonora Curlo, Herman E. Daly, Eliezer Diamond, Robert Goodland, Allen L. Hammond, Nathan Keyfitz, Robert E. Lane, Judith Lichtenberg, David Luban, James A. Nash, Martha C. Nussbaum, ThomasW Pogge, Mark Sagoff, Juliet B. Schor, Michael Schudson, Jerome M. Segal, Amartya Sen, Alan Strudler, Paul L. Wachtel, Paul E. Waggoner, David Wasserman & Charles K. Wilber (eds.) - 1997 - Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
    In this comprehensive collection of essays, most of which appear for the first time, eminent scholars from many disciplines—philosophy, economics, sociology, political science, demography, theology, history, and social psychology—examine the causes, nature, and consequences of present-day consumption patterns in the United States and throughout the world.
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    Sustainable Development Goals: kinds, connections and expectations.Luis Camacho - 2015 - Journal of Global Ethics 11 (1):18-23.
    We point out the need to clarify some of the ideas related to the connection between development and sustainability in the Report of the Open Working Group of the General Assembly on Sustainable Development. In particular, the meaning of ‘sustainable’ is not clear when applied to specific areas of human activity. A more detailed explanation of the kind of equality sought for in the proposal is also needed. Because of potential conflicts between goals, we miss some considerations on the impact (...)
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    Anxiety and Social Support as Predictors of Student Academic Motivation During the COVID-19.Ana Camacho, Nadine Correia, Sonia Zaccoletti & João R. Daniel - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    In this study we examined whether parents’ perceptions of students’ anxiety as well as perceived support from both teachers and classmates were predictive of changes in students’ academic motivation during the first wave of COVID-19. To this end, we used a retrospective pretest-posttest design together with a latent change score model to analyze our data. From April to May of 2020, 394 Portuguese parents of students in grades 1–9 participated in this study. Our results showed that students’ anxiety and teachers’ (...)
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  50. Conceptual Spaces for Conceptual Engineering? Feminism as a Case Study.Lina Bendifallah, Julie Abbou, Igor Douven & Heather Burnett - forthcoming - Review of Philosophy and Psychology:1-31.
    Recently, there has been much research into conceptual engineering in connection with feminist inquiry and activism, most notably involving gender issues, but also sexism and misogyny. Our paper contributes to this research by explicating, in a principled manner, a series of other concepts important for feminist research and activism, to wit, feminist political identity terms. More specifically, we show how the popular Conceptual Spaces Framework (CSF) can be used to identify and regiment concepts that are central to feminist research, focusing (...)
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